If you are extremely creative then you must read this news, Internet is destroying this part of your brain

Researchers from the University College of London have been doing research on brain imaging for the past several years. In this study, they found that due to internet addiction, many such chemical reactions take place in the brain of today’s youth. Which give rise to addiction, bad behavior as well as negative behavior.

However, this entire research is based on brain imaging studies on only 237 people from East Asian countries. Internet addiction affects multiple neural networks in the brains of young people, increasing activity in some networks and decreasing it in other networks.

Impact of internet on youth

With changing times, the internet is also changing rapidly. There was a time when people used to work on 2G. But now people work on the high speed of 5G. So that they can keep pace. Nowadays, the life of the youth has become very easy due to the internet. But it is said that when some things come, they bring both good and bad things with them. Nowadays people misuse the internet indiscriminately. Due to which there is a lot of harm.

For example, internet addiction affects the parts of the brain that are most active in memory, the part of the brain that is involved in positive and goal-directed behavior. The researchers also observed a complex mix of increased and decreased activity in parts of the brain called the default mode network, which is active when people are not engaged in a specific task but are letting their minds wander freely.

The findings suggest that altered neural activity associated with internet addiction could potentially lead to negative behavioural and developmental changes that could impact adolescents’ lives, Lamax Chang, a researcher at UCL and co-author of the review, said in a press release. 

The findings build on earlier research on 237 young people aged 10 to 19 in South Korea and Indonesia who had been diagnosed with internet addiction. More than 80 per cent of adolescents in Asia, the UK and the US have access to the internet and earlier research has suggested that the prevalence of internet addiction in Asian countries (5.7 per cent) is higher than in European countries (2.7 per cent).

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert. 

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